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Judith Gerrard, AIA

Judy is a principal and co-founder of Gerrard + Tan Architects. She has trained in Industrial Design at Pratt Institute, and earned Her BArch from Cooper Union under the tutelage of the rigorous and influential Dean John Hedjuk.


She has previously directed design management programs in product, brand, packaging communications and exhibit design for N.V. Philips and other multinationals. 


Her architectonic sensibility combined with management and communication skills enable her to deliver a wide spectrum of projects. These range from the severely budget-challenged using only light, space and proportion as design elements, to large sophisticated environments integrating complex architectural, mechanical and communications systems into

a strong and simple whole. 


She is a member of the American Institute of Architects, has been LEED certified (BC+D) and is an approved MWBE for both the State of New York and New York City.


Judy has taught at the New School and has juried in design studios at Pratt Institute, City College and FIT.  Her work has been published in the US in Interior Design and other magazines, as well as in international design reviews.


A key component of her creative activity is an on-going practice in abstract drawing and painting. 


She lives in Noho, where she was one of the original loft pioneers, effectively lobbying the NYS legislature for protection of Soho/Noho artists’ homes and studios under the Loft Law.


Robert Tan, AIA

Robert is a partner and co-founder of Gerrard + Tan Architects.


He has pursued an interest in architecture from his time at New York City’s select High School of Art and Design.  He earned his

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Architecture at The Rhode Island School of Design, and spent 6 months at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Architecture in Copenhagen. 


He completed his professional BArch at the Cooper Union under the teaching of the John Hedjuk.


Robert’s early experience includes staff positions at the office of Pei Freed and Cobb, where he worked on the Fragrant Hills hotel in Beijing, as well as The Portland Museum of Fine Arts, in Portland, Maine.    While at Prentice and Chan, Olhausen, Robert worked on the Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College and the Sever Hall renovation at Harvard University.


He has taught design studios at the New York Institute of Technology and has been a guest critic at Pratt Institute, The Spitzer School of Architecture at CityCollege, and theCooper Union.

He contributes expertise in design and in the technologies of design and construction, as well as extensive experience in the area of loft legalization.

Robert has also served on the Board of Trustees of the Cooper 
Union, where he chaired the Free Education Committee to strategize the plan to restore Cooper Union’s full tuition scholarship to all undergraduate students.


Andrzej Halicki

Andrzej is the Project Architect for Gerrard + Tan Architects and has been with the firm for more than ten years.  


He earned his Master’s degree in Architecture and Town Planning from Bialytsok Technical University in Poland.


Andrzej has worked in diverse prominent architectural studios in France, Poland and U.S. on public, retail and residential commissions.


His passion for exciting and engaging design is supported by his broad technical and digital skill, and his commitment to detailed and specific communication. He is an expert in several BIM and 3D modeling programs, and is dedicated to translating the essence of good design into detailed and actionable construction documents.


Andrzej is also an ardent traveler, and is fluent in English, Polish and French.

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